Living your divine purpose

I may not precisely know what ministry am in and not that it is the most important thing, but what am certain about is that am an answer to someones prayer!In one way or another, I am that answer or solution that you have been trusting God for,fasting about,worrying or stressed about etc.

To some, I give (with a lot of love) a smile and your day is made, suggestions,solutions, alternatives, corrections, guidance, ideas, financial  and or material support, a visit, an encouragement, a wise counsel, an empowerment, to others I give hope, coach, enlighten, inform,teach, mentor, give a platform,nurture etc and with these, their lives are sorted: they are healed. I bet that is my calling and am striving each day and in whichever way to live that purpose.!

I may be a minority but that is not an excuse, am a minority voice that  makes an impact. I may not be eloquent enough but my speech can still encourage or positively impact and bring a turn around in someone’s life. I may not have millions but the much I have and share makes a huge impact in someone’s life. I may not be the best writer but still what I write can answer someone’s question, challenge or encourage someone.

Similarly, your divine purpose is an answer to someone’s prayer therefore do not underrate yourself or shy off from living your divine purpose by comparing yourself with those you think have it all or have achieved it all. We are all vessels in the porter’s hands being perfected every moment every day but we have to get into action to be perfected. So what is it that you dream of doing some day when this or that happen?  or when situations turn right? to sing? write? start an organization? help people? mobilize? preach? encourage? etc the time to do it is now. Begin from where you are, with what you have and what you know. Know this: you have all that you need within you to achieve that dream. So just get rid of your fears and self doubt and swing into action! It is simply time to live your divine purpose. Cheers!