Dust off discouragements

Start each of your morning with this notion that it is a beautiful morning, not because things or situations around you are working out perfectly well but because there is a God in heaven who watches over your affairs. He is the God of the mountains and God of the valleys, God of the good times and God in the bad times, God of the day and God in the night!

This is to mean whatever situation you find yourself inn, do not walk all day with a long face of discouragement and despair. Know that in every aspect of your life He is there with you because He is your refuge and strength an ever present help in times of need.

So, do not just sit there feeling hopeless and helpless. The same God who has seen you through in the past number of years, will still show up in your current situation. So rise up and dust off the discouragements, fears, worries, anxieties, doubts, failures etc and ask Him for strength,  peace, wisdom…anything else you need  each day and face the day like a conqueror even if deep inside you don’t feel like one!! Cheers!