We all come from different backgrounds. Some of the ways of financing your education include but are not limited to:

  1. Parents /guardians-if they can pay your fee and upkeep comfortably then it is needless to apply for a Helb loan.
  2. Fundraise –family can conduct a fund raise once in a while to raise money for your education.
  3. CDF bursaries -You can apply for bursary from your home constituency C.D.F office.
  4. Bursary from students organization kitty– Once admitted you can visit students leaders office or your Dean of Students Office to get more information. In most cases amount given out to students is little and may not clear all the fee but can help reduce/clear the remaining balance. Normally in most institutions there are many cases of needy students to be considered so there is no guarantee your case will get considered so you may need to have your plan “B”.
  5. Scholarships– Some Universities have partial or full scholarships for certain degree programs. Find out more from your university website or Dean of students office.
  6. Work study program– This is where students work for some hours in a day as they study. The nature of work, duration of work and amount paid varies from one institution to another. In some Universities it is too little for example Ksh. 2,000 and you work for like four hours in a day from Monday to Friday for two weeks. Hence this kind of money can only help in your upkeep but not fee payment. Find out more from your Dean of Students Office.
  7. Pro formas – These are forms for collecting funds from fellow students and staff. Get approval from the office of the Dean of Students or students leaders office.
  8. Helb Loan-in your second year of study you can apply for Helb loan from the government to finance your education. The amount given varies depending on various factors. You can visit Helb website or the Dean of students’ office for more details. If your family is able to finance your education, then it is needless to apply for Helb loan. Remember it is a loan that you will pay with an interest at the end of the four years whether you have a job or not.
  9. Odd jobs-If you are able you can also look for some odd jobs (side hustle) that you can do during your free time to sustain yourself financially. For example can work in a cyber café, kinyozi, salon, hotel, and supermarket, give motivational talks to neighboring schools or do tuition at a cost etc depending on the talent or skill that you possess. You can also start a business so long as you are able to balance with your studies and is not against the regulations of your institution. For example you can start photography/ videography, photocopying business, selling assorted mitumba, braiding other students hair, manicure, on line writing/marketing, making beadwork items, mats, mandazi, chapatis etc and selling at a profit. You do not need a lot of capital-begin with what you have however little and grow your business. However before you sink your money into business do your market survey and get to learn as much as possible about the trade to understand the loops, also get mentors to help you navigate. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages and viability of the business then make informed decision.
  10. Deferment– You are also allowed to defer for a year to go and look for fees in case you are completely stuck and none of the above sources has worked. Do not just walk out of the University. There are deferment forms that one is required to fill. The forms in most institution are gotten from the academic registrar’s office.Fill them appropriately and dispatch as per the given instructions. NB: before you defer get guidance from the University counselor or the Dean of students.