Unlike in high school where fee is paid and the student is provided with meals, in the University it is pay as you eat cafeteria system. Students in the University have various options:

  1. Eat in the University cafeteria (mess) where prices are much subsidized (in most cases half market rate prices) and hygiene is guaranteed. Some of the challenges students may face from time to time is lack of variety, congestion and of course meals are served at designated times only.
  2. Eat at the hotels outside the University where meals are sold at market prices and can walk in any time they feel like eating. Some of the challenges may include high cost of meals which may not be sustainable throughout the semester, hygiene in some of the hotels/vibandas may be wanting.
  3. Cook in the hostel. Some Universities allow students to cook in some halls of residence but not others. All a student requires are foodstuff and utensils. Refilled meko is provided at the beginning of the semester then they contribute for refilling with the roommates when the gas runs out. This is the case in Maseno University. Other institutions may allow students to use electric burners but at designated cooking areas. If you prefer this option find out more from the housekeepers in the respective University before your child chooses/is allocated a hostel.
  4. If your child is a non resident then they can opt to be cooking in their room.

Whichever option you choose:

i) Teach your child budgeting so that they know the maximum they can spend in a day. This will tame their appetite for spending and help them learn to rationalize their expenditure for example should they find that there is a day they have spent more than they were expected to the following day(s) they can try and spend less without much compromising their health to ensure they operate within the budget.

ii)Discuss with your child which option is best depending on how much you can afford and sustain for the four to six or so years depending on their study program.

iii) Agree on the modality-whether you will be sending them money for food daily, weekly, monthly etc.